ADP Ventures Partnership FAQs

Partnership-Specific Questions

What is the ide­al client profile?

  • 100+ EEs
  • White col­lar work­force, espe­cial­ly tech companies
  • Quick­ly-grow­ing
  • Aver­age EE demo­graph­ics skew mil­len­ni­al (ages 28 – 35)
  • Locat­ed in major cities/​tech hubs: SF, LA, Chica­go, NY, Boston, Austin
  • Major­i­ty of EEs are US-based (OK if some are international)
  • WFH or dis­trib­uted team
  • Employ­er already has some employ­ee expe­ri­ence pro­grams in place (rewards/​recognition, men­tal health, EAP, etc.) but is look­ing for expan­sion and high­er engagement

How is the pilot being rolled out?

  • Fringe is being offered to select clients in the East region of Majors Upmar­ket (NY/NJ) and Nationals*.
  • *First, only the 186 Work­forceNow clients will be includ­ed (360k users)

How will we mea­sure suc­cess of the pilot?

  • ADP wants to see if they call sell Fringe to their clients. We will mea­sure num­ber of clients in dif­fer­ent stages of the pipeline, num­ber of clients that buy.
  • We will also mea­sure uti­liza­tion, engage­ment, and oth­er employ­ee stats.

Are Fringe ben­e­fits taxable?

  • Fringe is, gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, a tax­able ben­e­fit. They are treat­ed by the IRS as a ​“Fringe Ben­e­fit” sim­i­lar to an employ­er-giv­en gift card.
  • Employ­ers decide dur­ing com­pa­ny onboard­ing if they want to report on pay­roll or W2. Either way, Fringe pro­vides detailed and stream­lined report­ing. Please see our ADP Tax Report­ing One Pager for more infor­ma­tion.

On aver­age, how long does it take to close a deal and what is the con­ver­sion rate?

  • Over­all, we’d expect an 8%-12% close rate with a 90 day sales cycle. See more info.

Could some­one phase out a stand­alone EAP pro­gram because there’s coun­sel­ing providers on Fringe?

  • Yes! A lot of our clients find val­ue in putting all of their employ­ee expe­ri­ence pro­grams in one plat­form. Employ­ers have 2 options here:
  • Retire the EAP pro­gram and use that fund­ing towards Fringe, OR
  • Keep the EAP and add it as a cus­tom ​“com­pa­ny” tile in Fringe to increase its visibility/​utilization (we can turn off our men­tal health ven­dors in this case if desired). Please allow an addi­tion­al 2 – 3 weeks for imple­men­ta­tion of addi­tion­al and cus­tomized tiles on the platform.

How do clients typ­i­cal­ly find the bud­get for Fringe?

  • Our tar­get clients are already doing great stuff for their peo­ple, so they are typ­i­cal­ly pulling from exist­ing bud­gets to fund Fringe:
  • In-office perks, like com­pa­ny lunch­es, snacks, and in-per­son events
  • Com­muter stipend
  • Well­ness stipend or gym reimbursements
  • Care­giv­er reimbursements/​stipends
  • Gift cards, employ­ee anniver­saries, mile­stone pro­grams, employ­ee birthdays

How is Fringe being rolled out to ADP customers?

  • Exist­ing cus­tomers will be mar­ket­ed to via ADP mar­ket­ing communications
  • A ded­i­cat­ed client DM from ADP will also help to iden­ti­fy tar­get clients, work­ing with ERMs
  • Exist­ing cus­tomers will be offered Fringe in addi­tion to their ADP soft­ware suite

What is the exe­cu­tion strat­e­gy – what does Fringe do vs. ADP do?

  • Fringe Respon­si­bil­i­ties
  • Train­ing ADP teams
  • Pro­vide ongo­ing sup­port to ADP’s Sales team and all users
  • Onboard­ing and all post-sales support
  • ADP Respon­si­bil­i­ties
  • Mar­ket Fringe to 1,800 tar­get clients in NY/NJ
  • Iden­ti­fy leads and run sales process with Fringe sales team

What Sales team and Ops sup­port will Fringe pro­vide to ADP?

General Fringe Questions


What is Fringe?

  • A fringe ben­e­fits mar­ket­place that gives you an easy way to offer employ­ees their choice lifestyle ben­e­fits that they’ll love
  • For more, see What is Fringe? (90-sec­ond intro­duc­to­ry video)

How do points work on Fringe?

  • Points ​“gam­i­fy” the expe­ri­ence of choos­ing lifestyle ben­e­fits on our platform.
  • $1 buys 5 points
  • Points nev­er expire

What can employ­ees buy with their points?

Fringe offers

  • 130+ ser­vices to your employ­ees that save them time, reduce stress, impact the fam­i­ly, and spark joy.
  • Local, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al vendors
  • No markups or hid­den fees: most ser­vices on Fringe are priced below mar­ket value


  • 8 in 10 employ­ees say that Fringe increased their loy­al­ty to their company
  • 87% of employ­ees said that Fringe was more mean­ing­ful, or as mean­ing­ful, as their tra­di­tion­al benefits
  • 84% of employ­ees say they pre­fer lifestyle ben­e­fits over in-office perks
  • 90% aver­age uti­liza­tion & engage­ment for pro­grams with month­ly contributions

Vendors & services

How do you deter­mine which ven­dors are on the site?

  • Fringe focus on ser­vices, not products
  • You won’t find gift cards or marked up vac­u­um clean­ers on Fringe
  • Our ven­dor team hand selects ven­dors that reduce stress, give back time, impact the fam­i­ly, or spark joy.

Are ser­vices on Fringe marked up?

  • No, and in many cas­es they’re discounted.

What is the aver­age cost of a ser­vice in Fringe?

  • Ser­vices range from $15 for food deliv­ery to over a hun­dred of dol­lars for vir­tu­al ther­a­py. Users can top off pur­chas­es with their cred­it card if they don’t have enough points.

How often do ven­dors change?

  • New ven­dors are added to the plat­form reg­u­lar­ly, and show­cased in the New to Fringe cat­e­go­ry

Can employ­ers edit or cus­tomize the mar­ket­place to include stand­alone ser­vices they offer?

  • Yes. They can remove ser­vices (such as com­peti­tors) or add ser­vices through a sim­ple process.
  • Adding a ben­e­fit the com­pa­ny already has to Fringe, like an EAP, is a great way to increase uti­liza­tion. Please keep in mind that any mar­ket­place addi­tions do push out com­pa­ny launch times 2 – 3 weeks and may require emails and meet­ings between Fringe, your client, and the vendor..

Is there a fee for cus­tomiz­ing the marketplace?

  • Nope!

Setup and Onboarding

What is the imple­men­ta­tion process?

It takes only a few weeks to imple­ment Fringe.

  1. Sched­ule a demo with Fringe and your champion
  2. Set up a Broad­er Meet­ing with key deci­sion-mak­ers to intro/​demo Fringe.
  3. Fol­low up call with cham­pi­on to walk through Busi­ness Case Builder.
  4. Cham­pi­on presents busi­ness case to senior lead­er­ship for bud­get approval
  5. ADP sales­per­son & cham­pi­on walk through Onboard­ing Wiz­ard to sign MSA & choose desired launch date
  6. Fringe Client Suc­cess team will be in touch to prep for and sched­ule your Fringe launch day!

Pricing and funding

What are the pro­gram lev­el options for Fringe?

  • Offi­cial Fringe part­ners get pre­ferred pric­ing below our stan­dard $5 PEPM. ADP clients are offered the exclu­sive pric­ing of $1.50 PEPM.

What pro­grams can clients accom­plish with Fringe?

Most of our cus­tomers use Fringe to offer their employ­ees a lifestyle ben­e­fits stipend. Addi­tion­al pro­grams can be added for no addi­tion­al cost:

  • Month­ly point stipend for a flex­i­ble lifestyle (rec­om­mend­ed for high­est uti­liza­tion & engagement)
  • Rewards or recognition
  • Man­ag­er spot bonus­es and incentives
  • Birthdays/​Celebrations/​baby shower/​wedding
  • Work anniver­sary & mile­stone gifts
  • Free lunch­es & snacks/​drinks for employ­ees not in the office

Which pro­grams are rec­om­mend­ed for my client?

  • We rec­om­mend sched­ul­ing a meet­ing between you, your client, and Fringe to come up with a strategy
  • Here’s a sim­ple use case deck to get started

What is the rec­om­mend­ed min­i­mum rewards amount to see val­ue in the program?

  • Lifestyle stipend pro­grams that tar­get $50-$100 /​mo see the high­est engagement
  • For addi­tion­al pro­grams we recommend:
  • Birth­days: $25 – 50 /​yr
  • Ser­vice anniver­saries: $100-$1,000+ depend­ing on tenure
  • Man­ag­er rewards: $50/​quarter
  • Well­be­ing sub­sidy pro­gram: varies


Can an employ­ee use their cred­it card to buy up to addi­tion­al items?

  • Yes, employ­ees can use any avail­able points and ​“top off” by adding a cred­it card dur­ing the check-out process.

Can employ­ees donate to a char­i­ty of their choice?

  • Yes, with Fringe Pre­mi­um you can give your points to friends, fam­i­ly, cowork­ers, and any char­i­ty of your choice. Dona­tions to 501©3s are tax deductible.

Is there a min­i­mum point bal­ance for employees?

  • Nope! And if an employ­ee does­n’t have enough points to make a selec­tion, they can top off the pur­chase with a cred­it card.

What can employ­ees redeem with their points?

  • Fringe offers 130+ ser­vices to your employ­ees that save them time, reduce stress, impact the fam­i­ly, and spark joy.
  • Cat­e­gories of ben­e­fits include:
  • Fit­ness apps
  • Online ther­a­py
  • Life coach­ing
  • Food and gro­cery delivery
  • Fam­i­ly sup­port, includ­ing vir­tu­al learn­ing, edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ty subscriptions
  • Care­giv­ing for kids, pets, and aging fam­i­ly members
  • Enter­tain­ment, includ­ing stream­ing, gam­ing, and more
  • Avail­able ven­dors may be cus­tomized at the client’s request

Do points expire?

  • Nope! Points can be saved month to month and year to year, unless the employ­er choos­es to set it up differently.

Invoicing and taxes

How does invoic­ing work?

  • Fringe invoic­es the employ­er direct­ly on a month­ly basis for any points allo­cat­ed to employ­ees as well as the PEPM user fee for all employ­ees at the com­pa­ny in the program.
  • Here’s a 2022 w9 for Fringe if it’s requested.

Are Fringe selec­tions tax deductible?

  • Stu­dent Loan Repay­ment and char­i­ta­ble giv­ing selec­tions are tax-deductible to the employ­ee. In both sit­u­a­tions, the employ­ee will receive receipts at the begin­ning of the next cal­en­dar year direct­ly from Fringe’s ven­dors that facil­i­tate these ser­vices. Those can be used when fill­ing out their taxes.
  • At the begin­ning of the year, Fringe sends employ­ers a report detail­ing total tax­able income bro­ken out by employ­ee. This can then be added to a w2 as compensation.
  • We do not han­dle pre-tax ben­e­fits — we leave that up to FSAs/​HSAs

Tax Infor­ma­tion for Employers:

  • Tax­able fringe ben­e­fit (treat­ed by the IRS like a gift card; tax­able income to the employee)
  • Fringe pro­vides employ­ers with report­ing of tax­able income per employ­ee (cus­tomized report­ing may be avail­able upon request)
  • Cus­tomers typ­i­cal­ly add tax­able income to W‑2s at the end of the year.
  • Here is a tax guide for employ­ers to fur­ther under­stand the tax impli­ca­tions of Fringe Ben­e­fits — A Guide to Fringe Ben­e­fits. Please see our ADP Tax Report­ing One Pager for more information.

Other Questions? Email adp@​fringe.​us