
Learn how to give and send points and update your account information

Peer to Peer Giving

Fringe makes it easy to send your per­son­al points to a team­mate, whether you want to send a quick ​“thank you” or ​“con­grat­u­la­tions” or you just have a gen­er­ous spirit!

To send points to a team­mate, click the top menu in the upper right-hand cor­ner of the page and look for the green ​“Send Points” button:

Once you click that but­ton, a pop up win­dow will appear. Enter in the amount of points you would like to send (remem­ber, $1 is 5 Fringe points), the name(s) of the teammate(s) receiv­ing the points, and enter an option­al mes­sage to accom­pa­ny your gift. Please keep in mind, if you enter mul­ti­ple names, your account will send the indi­cat­ed amount of points to each teammate.

Click the pur­ple ​“Send Points” but­ton to con­firm the gift! If you’ve gift­ed to mul­ti­ple team­mates, the pop-up win­dow will total up the points you sent. Your teammate(s) should receive an email noti­fi­ca­tion and see the points added to their account in about 10 minutes!

My Address has Changed

When you have an address change, you will need to inform the providers of your cur­rent ben­e­fit ser­vices and make this change on your Fringe account. If you’re look­ing for a list of the providers of your cur­rent ben­e­fits ser­vices, please reach out to our sup­port team, we would be hap­py to send you any infor­ma­tion you need!

If you have any ques­tions, please send us a note at support@​fringe.​us. We def­i­nite­ly don’t want you to miss out on future ben­e­fits after you move!

Updating Personal Information

If your address, name, or phone num­ber has recent­ly changed or is expect­ed to change, don’t wor­ry! You have the abil­i­ty to update that infor­ma­tion direct­ly on our plat­form. Click the Top Menu in the upper right-hand cor­ner of the page and select the ​“Account” option from the drop down menu.

You should see all of your infor­ma­tion list­ed, start­ing with your basic infor­ma­tion. To change any­thing, enter the new infor­ma­tion into the field and then click ​“Sub­mit.” To change your ship­ping address, scroll down to the next head­ing. You’ll do the same process and then click sub­mit. Easy as pie! A green ban­ner should appear to let you know the change has been sub­mit­ted. Please keep in mind, this will update your address for future selec­tions, but not any cur­rent deliv­er­ies that you may have active. To make sure those are updat­ed as well, please reach out direct­ly to the ven­dor, or to our sup­port team at support@​fringe.​us.

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