
Learn how to set up your account and add a payment method

Walking Through the Fringe Platform

Once you’ve logged into your Fringe account, you’ll be brought to the main mar­ket­place page here. You can see all of the avail­able brands orga­nized into cat­e­gories, such as ​“Well­be­ing.”

You can scroll side­ways through cat­e­gories to see which brands are in each cat­e­go­ry, or you can use the search bar under­neath the main ban­ner to find the spe­cif­ic brands you’re look­ing for. Click on the image to see more about the brands includ­ing more images and search­able tags to help you find sim­i­lar vendors.

In the top, right-hand cor­ner of the screen, you’ll see the total num­ber of points you have to spend on the fringe platform.

If any ques­tions come up while you’re on the Fringe plat­form, just click con­tact us in the bot­tom left hand cor­ner, and you’ll be con­nect­ed with one of our team mem­bers in real time. Just enter in your ques­tion and your work email and one of our cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be able to help you!

Ready to check out? Click the cart at the top of the screen to see a sum­ma­ry of all of your orders. You can change the quan­ti­ty or even the prod­uct from with­in the cart if you need to make an adjust­ment. If you haven’t fin­ished brows­ing sim­ply click off the win­dow, the ​“Con­tin­ue Shop­ping” but­ton, or the ​“X” to go back out to the mar­ket­place. Below your selec­tions, you will see the points charged for your order along with details sur­round­ing fur­ther pay­ment if applic­a­ble. If your cart is entire­ly cov­ered by your point bal­ance, the page will indi­cate your remain­ing bal­ance after purchase.

If your points do not cov­er the total cost of your selec­tions, you will see the total you have to pay at the bot­tom of the screen and after press­ing the ​“Check­out” but­ton will be asked to sup­ply anoth­er form of pay­ment. If you have pre­vi­ous­ly saved a pay­ment method, you will be able to select that pay­ment method to charge for the order.

Ver­i­fy your basic infor­ma­tion, email address and order one more time before click­ing the green ​“Com­plete Order” but­ton. All selec­tions are final! Con­grat­u­la­tions — your order is sent! Be on the look­out for your con­fir­ma­tion emails in your inbox. Depend­ing on your selec­tions, you will receive your order with­in half an hour.

Entering Payment At Checkout

All employ­ee accounts are pre-fund­ed with the dol­lars giv­en to you by your employ­er. Those points are already in your account! If you choose to select ben­e­fits that cost more than your employ­er has giv­en you, you will be respon­si­ble for pay­ing the difference.

At check­out, after enter­ing in your address, you will be brought to a pay­ment page where you can enter in your cred­it card infor­ma­tion. Click on the GIF below to see how!

Creating a Fringe Account

When it is time to sign up for your new ben­e­fits, you will begin receiv­ing a few intro­duc­to­ry emails. These onboard­ing emails vary depend­ing on your com­pa­ny roll­out. How­ev­er, on the day of your launch, you’ll receive a ​“Wel­come to Fringe” email and have the abil­i­ty to access the Fringe mar­ket­place. We have already cre­at­ed your account, so all you need to do is acti­vate it! To begin that process, click the ​“Set Pass­word” but­ton in the wel­come email you receive from Fringe:

You will be tak­en to a page where you should see the email line pre-filled in with your work email address. After you set a pass­word, you will receive a ver­i­fi­ca­tion email.

Check your inbox, open the email and click the link to ver­i­fy that you are you! Once your email has been ver­i­fied, click the ​“Go to Fringe” but­ton in your orig­i­nal wel­come email or go to app2​.fringe​.us/​#​/​login to log in. Some­times the ver­i­fi­ca­tion email can land in spam so make sure to check that fold­er before reach­ing out!

Now, you’re ready to enter into your pre-loaded Fringe account! Begin explor­ing all the awe­some new ben­e­fits avail­able on the Fringe mar­ket­place and treat your­self to what mat­ters most to you.

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