
Learn more about the services on Fringe

Request for New Vendor

Many of our ven­dor rela­tion­ships were ini­ti­at­ed as a direct result of employ­ers ask­ing for them on Fringe. We’re hap­py to con­sid­er your sug­ges­tions and if they’re a good fit, add them to the mar­ket­place. Please keep in mind that the focus of the major­i­ty of our 100+ offer­ings are ongo­ing ser­vices with mem­ber­ships, sub­scrip­tions or reg­u­lar deliv­er­ies. Our phi­los­o­phy is that ser­vices — more than prod­ucts — sim­pli­fy life. We also love the idea that employ­ees are reg­u­lar­ly remind­ed that their employ­er sup­ports them. Feel free to send the name of the ser­vice as well as their web­site to support@​fringe.​us and we will pass it along to our ven­dor team!

Removed Vendors

Fringe is a liv­ing, breath­ing mar­ket­place and, as such, our offer­ings do change from time to time. We are con­stant­ly adding the lat­est and great­est ven­dors. Addi­tions are being made to meet employ­er and employ­ee needs on a month­ly basis often as a result of their direct sug­ges­tions to us. That being said, we are also com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing our users from ser­vices that under­per­form to their stan­dards. If a ser­vice is hav­ing issues or is con­sis­tent­ly unable to deliv­er their own ser­vices to Fringe users we will remove them tem­porar­i­ly or permanently.

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