Fringe’s Commitment to the Protection of Your Data

At Fringe, we believe in giv­ing peo­ple choice and con­trol, and that includes their data. Giv­en that, we’re com­mit­ted to help­ing Fringe users under­stand, and where rel­e­vant, com­ply with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

GDPR Compliance

The GDPR’s updat­ed require­ments are sig­nif­i­cant and our team has adapt­ed Fringe’s prod­ucts, and oper­a­tions to help our users com­ply with the reg­u­la­tion. Mea­sures Fringe has imple­ment­ed (as we process data on our users behalf) include:

  • Updates to rel­e­vant con­trac­tu­al terms
  • Invest­ments in com­pli­ant infrastructure
  • Offer­ing data man­age­ment tools including:
  • ~Import and export toolsets for man­ag­ing cus­tomer users
  • ~Pro­file dele­tion pro­cess­ing requests for any cus­tomer and user,which can be made to support@​fringe.​us
  • Com­pli­ance with applic­a­ble certifications
  • Updat­ing our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and Terms of Use
  • Under­go­ing an exter­nal review of our prac­tices to ensure GDPR compliance

We also mon­i­tor GDPR com­pli­ance from applic­a­ble reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies and update our fea­tures and infra­struc­ture accord­ing­ly, to fur­ther our com­mit­ment to our users and their pri­va­cy as addi­tion­al poli­cies are implemented.

Fringe Security Infrastructure and Certifications

Fringe views the job of pro­tect­ing our cus­tomers’ infor­ma­tion and users’ pri­va­cy as crit­i­cal to uphold­ing the val­ues of Fringe. As a cloud-based com­pa­ny entrust­ed with some of our users’ most valu­able data, we’ve set only the high­est stan­dards for secu­ri­ty. Our data­bas­es have received cer­ti­fi­ca­tions from the Amer­i­can Insti­tute of Cer­ti­fied Pub­lic Accoun­tants such as SOC 2 and SOC 3, along with ISO 27001, ISO 27017, and ISO 27018.

At Fringe, we are invest­ed in uphold­ing and sur­pass­ing GDPR com­pli­ance. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions, please con­tact us at support@​fringe.​us.

Last Mod­i­fied: 12/8/2020

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