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Turo, World’s Largest Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Company, Joins Fringe

Jordan Peace, CEO

Right now, it’s impor­tant to offer ben­e­fits to employ­ees that meet crit­i­cal needs — one of these needs is trans­porta­tion. COVID-19 has led to a lot of ques­tions around safe trav­el, par­tic­u­lar­ly for those liv­ing in cities or large met­ro­pol­i­tan areas who rely on pub­lic trans­porta­tion. Health con­cerns around rideshar­ing ser­vices has high­light­ed a need for more options.

At Fringe, we want to meet employ­ees at their needs. We’re mak­ing good on that com­mit­ment by offer­ing Turo, the world’s largest peer-to-peer car shar­ing com­pa­ny , as a ven­dor on our plat­form start­ing today.

Here’s what this means for Fringe users: Now, users have a safe and afford­able alter­na­tive to ride shar­ing, an easy way to get around, and plen­ty of trans­porta­tion options to choose from. A few of us at Fringe have long been users of Turo, book­ing con­vert­ibles at afford­able prices on our road trips and as Father’s Day presents. We’re excit­ed to be offer­ing this now to our cus­tomers for what­ev­er rea­son — for fun or necessity.

Here’s how Turo works: Users can go to Turo’s web­site and input their loca­tion and their book­ing dates and can then choose from a mar­ket­place of options. Depend­ing on your need (Want to expe­ri­ence a Tes­la for a day? Or a mini­van for a week­end trip?), you can select the best car for you and go pick it up on the day. All cars are required to meet Turo’s strict san­i­tary guide­lines, so you can rest assured that you book safely.

Find the Turo app in your per­son­al­ized Fringe dash­board to get started!

Inter­est­ed in explor­ing Fringe for your peo­ple? Get in touch!

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