Fringe Resources

All Things Fringe!

We’ve assem­bled resources for your fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions into one easy loca­tion for you to access any­time you need. All links are dynam­ic and updat­ed as need­ed, so you know you are always get­ting the most up-to-date information.

What is Fringe?

How are companies using Fringe?

How do points work?

  • Employ­ees may receive points accord­ing to the pro­grams you choose to set­up (month­ly stipends, birth­day gifts, anniver­saries, and more).
  • 5 Fringe points is equal to $1 USD.

How does pricing and funding work?

  • The cost for using Fringe is $5 per employ­ee per month (with a min­i­mum fee of at least $200/​mo) plus what­ev­er you choose to pro­vide employ­ees as ben­e­fit allo­ca­tions (with a min­i­mum of $300 per employ­ee annually).
  • Most of our clients start out by fund­ing $50, $75, or $100 per month as a ben­e­fit for their peo­ple and see great results!
  • Explore detailed options in the Fringe Pro­gram Builder.

What do companies typically fund and what kind of utilization should I expect?

Fringe is com­mit­ted to high uti­liza­tion for all of our clients. As a mar­ket­place that brings choice to each and every user we see remark­ably high uti­liza­tion. This is espe­cial­ly remark­able con­sid­er­ing an indus­try where the aver­age EAP pro­gram gets 4% uti­liza­tion; the aver­age well­ness pro­gram sees 30% uti­liza­tion. Fringe is well above indus­try stan­dards and reg­u­lar­ly see over 85% uti­liza­tion with clients after 3 months. Of course, as with most things, there is a cor­re­la­tion between the amount of spend giv­en and the adop­tion rate of the ben­e­fit from our clients. See the bench­mark­ing report here for more infor­ma­tion on what fund­ing lev­els look like by com­pa­ny size and indus­try and what kind of uti­liza­tion might be expected.

How do users access the marketplace and how do admins send points to employees?

Still have questions? Join our next live webinar for a demo with a real person and get your questions answered.

Our live webi­na­rs are avail­able month­ly and a Fringe expert will show you the plat­form in action and help get your ques­tions answered.

Sign up for the Webinar

What admin tools and reporting do you provide?

Admin Tool: Our Admin Tool gives you the auton­o­my to view high-lev­el met­rics, add and ter­mi­nate employ­ees, send and trans­fer points, and many oth­er actions.

Here are quick links to the Admin Tool resources:

Insights: The ​“Insights” tool is our advanced met­rics por­tal which gives real-time vis­i­bil­i­ty into your employ­ees Fringe activ­i­ty and how they are using the Fringe Marketplace.

What do I need to do from an IT standpoint to rollout Fringe?

How do I announce Fringe to my employees?

Check back as more exam­ples are com­ing soon!

What integrations are available with existing software we use?

Check back, as more are com­ing soon!

Can you help me understand how Fringe taxes work?

While Fringe can­not legal­ly pro­vide tax advice, we can glad­ly pro­vide report­ing for what­ev­er tax­a­tion sched­ule a com­pa­ny chooses.

Just like a bonus or paid vaca­tion, Fringe ben­e­fits are typ­i­cal­ly taxed as ordi­nary income. Some oth­er exam­ples of famil­iar fringe ben­e­fits (that are not offered through FRINGE) include trans­porta­tion ben­e­fits, health sav­ings accounts, employ­ee stock options, adop­tion assis­tance or achieve­ment awards.

There are dif­fer­ent ways that employ­ers can choose to han­dle these tax impli­ca­tions on behalf of their employ­ees, so we sug­gest con­tact­ing your company’s HR or account­ing depart­ment to find out how this might impact you.

Many com­pa­nies con­sid­er ​“gross­ing up” pay slight­ly to off­set the tax impact to the employ­ee. Some com­pa­nies don’t and it’s sim­ply a val­ue-add employ­ees are excit­ed about.

How does invoicing work?

Click on one of the links below for more billing infor­ma­tion or reach our billing team at billing@​fringe.​us.

Additional Resources

Offboarding Resources

Still have questions? Join our next live webinar for a demo with a real person and get your questions answered.

Our live webi­na­rs are avail­able month­ly and a Fringe expert will show you the plat­form in action and help get your ques­tions answered.

Sign up for the Webinar
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